Cells Explained
Spice Cells are data structures included in SPICE and serve as the equivalents to lists and sets for CSPICE. For more primary documentation on cells, please see the Cells required reading. For SpiceyPy, cells can be constructed in a variety of ways, shown below.
import spiceypy as spice
# create a spice bool cell using a function
bool_cell = spice.cell_bool(10)
# create a spice time cell using a function
time_cell = spice.cell_time(10)
# create a spice int cell using a function
int_cell = spice.cell_int(10)
# create a spice double cell using a function
double_cell = spice.cell_double(10)
# create a spice char cell using a function
char_cell = spice.cell_char(10, 10)
One can also use provided classes to provide easier type checking, in future versions SpiceyPy this may become default.
import spiceypy as spice
# create a spice bool cell using a function
bool_cell = spice.Cell_Bool(10)
# create a spice time cell using a function
time_cell = spice.Cell_Time(10)
# create a spice int cell using a function
int_cell = spice.Cell_Int(10)
# create a spice double cell using a function
double_cell = spice.Cell_Double(10)
# create a spice char cell using a function
char_cell = spice.Cell_Char(10, 10)